Distributors (more than 2,500 using Fintech nationwide)

Fintech knows that an alcohol distributor’s business thrives when your drivers aren’t dealing with cash, checks, and money orders.  

We also understand the challenges alcohol distributors face trying to collect payment - not just upon delivery, but also in complying with specific state regulated payment terms.

Recognizing these important factors, Fintech has simplified the alcoholic beverage delivery process to ensure alcohol invoices always result in on-time payments and compliance with alcohol laws.

To do this, our electronic funds transfer (EFT) system moves funds directly from your customers’ bank accounts to yours – processing alcohol invoices for electronic payment according to each invoice due date. At the same time, reducing delivery times by an average of 15 minutes per delivery[1] and assuring State liquor law compliance. 
Contact us to learn more!

[1] BIECC reference (Beer Industry Electronic Commerce Coalition)