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Fintech in the News

Fintech Challenges Social Madness for Local Charity

Tampa, FL - June 4, 2013 - Fintech is excited to announce its participation in the Tampa Bay Business Journal's Social Madness Competition! This contemporary contest offers a forum for local businesses to measure social media engagement and the opportunity to win a $10,000 donation to the charity of their choice.
The competition kicked off June 3rd with contestants competing on Facebook and Twitter for the most social engagement, such as: likes, comments, and shares of company posts by followers. Participants were placed into size categories based on their collective social following at the beginning of the competition and local winners in each category will move on to the national competition.

To help Fintech advance to the national level, "Like" them on Facebook and "Follow" them on Twitter to participate in their postings! A daily voting poll will also be held so click here to submit your vote for Fintech. Fintech will be competing for their benefiting charity, the Academy Prep Center of St. Petersburg, a college preparatory middle school located in south St. Petersburg.

Academy Prep Center of St. Petersburg is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire and empower students qualifying for need-based scholarships to be future community leaders through a rigorous middle school program coupled with ongoing graduate support. Students attend Academy Prep up to 11 hours a day, six days a week, 11 months per year on full scholarships provided by the local community. To learn more, visit

"As a technology company, our social media channels have given us the chance to provide a face to our name for our customers across the country. We saw this contest as a fantastic opportunity to further emphasize those lines of interaction, while also bringing awareness to a worthwhile cause like the Academy Prep Center of St Petersburg." said Fintech CEO, Scott Riley.

Fintech, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce Best Business of the Year winner located in Tampa, Florida, provides electronic data and payments to the alcohol industry, eliminating the need to pay alcohol purchases by cash, check, or money order. Fintech now serves over 250,000 relationships in all 50 states.

For more information on Fintech, go to

Media Contact: Jennifer Lareau- [email protected] - 1.800.572.0854 ext. 249